Friday, July 18, 2008

Sorry I have been such a bad blogger lately, but we have had a really hard month and I haven't felt much like blogging, God has been teaching me a very good but hard lesson, He has been teaching me that He is good even in pain and heartache. As many of you know we were expecting our third little one in late November we were very excited about adding to our family but I was a little nervous and not sure if I could handle 3 little ones but I knew that the Lord had a plan for us and that we would be able to handle this new baby, But God's plan was not our plan, on June 10 when I went to the Dr.s at 16 1/2 weeks for a routine check up my mid wife could not find the heart beat and after an ultrasound we found out that the Lord had taken our sweet baby to be with Him. 3 days later I went into the hospital to have a D & E and when I woke up I found out that I had had a precious little boy. We have been very blessed with such a great support system of family and friends, and I am very thankful for my sweet, sweet girls they have kept me very busy and occupied. God has shown me how truely blessed and fortunute I am to have my girls.


Amber B. said...

So sorry to hear this news, sweet friend. I will keep you in my prayers.

keri said...

laura...i hadn't heard that it was a boy...i'm so sorry! my heart just sunk when i read that. you will meet him someday...such hope!

Meredith Houston Carr said...

Oh Laura, i am so so very sorry...i am in tears and will be praying for you. You are such a sweet, Godly young woman and mom, and i rejoice that you will see your son one day again. You are in my prayers!

Melissa said...

You know we love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Laura, I know that was hard to write. I am praying for you and missing little Adam.

Emily said...

laura...I had no idea you guys were going through all of this. I am so sorry for your loss, and you guys will certainly be in our prayers as you heal.

Rachel @ Moments With My Miracles said...

Laura, I have been thinking about you and praying for you a lot lately. I hope that the Lord continues to give you grace and mercy during what I'm sure is still a difficult time.