Saturday, July 19, 2008

More Birthday pictures

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Rebecca

Rebecca's 2nd birthday was today, I can't believe that my baby is 2 years old I still think of her as my little baby. We all had a fun day celebrating with her.

Rebecca's birthday was made even more special by the fact that Frankie was supposed to be in california but decided to catch the red eye last night and got in at 6:30 a.m. this morning so that he could with Beck Beck on her big day.

I tried to make her cake but it turned out a little lop sided, but it still tasted yummy and I think she liked it too.

Sorry I have been such a bad blogger lately, but we have had a really hard month and I haven't felt much like blogging, God has been teaching me a very good but hard lesson, He has been teaching me that He is good even in pain and heartache. As many of you know we were expecting our third little one in late November we were very excited about adding to our family but I was a little nervous and not sure if I could handle 3 little ones but I knew that the Lord had a plan for us and that we would be able to handle this new baby, But God's plan was not our plan, on June 10 when I went to the Dr.s at 16 1/2 weeks for a routine check up my mid wife could not find the heart beat and after an ultrasound we found out that the Lord had taken our sweet baby to be with Him. 3 days later I went into the hospital to have a D & E and when I woke up I found out that I had had a precious little boy. We have been very blessed with such a great support system of family and friends, and I am very thankful for my sweet, sweet girls they have kept me very busy and occupied. God has shown me how truely blessed and fortunute I am to have my girls.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Out of breath

O.K. so on Wednesday it was going to be in the 80's so I decided the girls needed a little something to help them stay cool, so we went to wal-mart and I got the girls a wonderful little pool with a slide, we got home and had lunch and I put the girls down for a nap and I set into blowing up the pool. I had no idea that it would take me 2 1/2 hours to blow up that small pool. When I finally finished blowing up the pool I took it outside and started filling it up with the hose, I left and went back inside to get the girls up and ready to play in the pool and to my horror this is what the pool looked like when we got outside:

I was soo out of breath and so mad but thankfully Savannah thought it was the greatest thing in the world, she played in the pool for about 2 hours and asks everyday if she can play in her pool. Rebecca on the other hand thought the water was too cold so she ran around in the yard. Sorry there are no pictures of Savannah playing in it I was too mad and out of breath and just a little light headed, now that I think about it, I am hoping that my child that I am carrying didn't suffer a lack of oxygen, yikes I am a little worried.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bye, bye Becca

The other day the girls and I were at target running some arrends and when we got finished we walked out to the car and I opened the trunk and put the bags in the trunk and then went to put Savannah in the car and buckle her up and when you have a small car you have to bend down and actually get in the car to buckle your children in, so while I was getting Savannah situated I hear Becca saying "Bye, bye mama" and I look around and she is rolling in the cart across the parking lot, I felt like such a horrible mother, but thankfully she was okay and I think she liked it because when I got her and started to put her in the car she says "gain mama", looking back on it it was funny but not when it happened.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Finally some pictures

I just found out that I could download the pictures to Frankie's laptop, so the picture are kind of a hogpog of picture of the girls.

this is just a cute picture that I found of Rebecca's first kiss given to her on Halloween night by John Stanley.

This is from easter, while they were doing an easter egg hunt, Becca quickly got the hang of things and loved walking around with the basket on her arm collecting eggs.

Rebecca loves to sit and look at books, some times I will find her in her room just sitting sweetly looking at books.

A couple of weeks ago I was making up my bed and Savannah kept running in and out of my room and then she comes in and says I made up my bed all by myself and I used your purple pillows. I was so proud of her. You might notice the splotches of paint on her wall, I was testing out colors for her room and after a couple of days with her wall all splotchy she comes into the kitchen and says "mommy, you aren't very good at painting my walls, maybe you should let daddy do it next time"

The other day we let Savannah stay up and watch american Idol and half way through we look on the floor and she is sound asleep, Frankie said "at least I'm not the only one that american idol puts to sleep"

I love this picture of Rebecca, I had just gotten her a new bathing suit and wanted to try it on her.

Monday, April 28, 2008

First off let me start out by saying I am so sorry I haven't put any pictures up our computer is very tempermentle(sp?) so I hope soon I can put some pictures of the girls up. Well, so far so good we are almost to a week of the girls sharing a room and it has really gone great! I was really fearful of moving them in together but they have really enjoyed one another. This morning before we got them up Frankie and I peeked through the cracked door and saw that Savannah had crawled in to the pack-n-play with Rebecca and they were laying there together just talking soo sweetly to each other, I am soo happy that they have one another I can already see such a love there, now don't get me wrong we still have little tiffs but every night Savannah makes sure that Rebecca is going to bed in her room. I grew up with sisters and shared a room pretty much til I got married and I loved the special relationship that we share. I am just so glad that the Lord blessed me with my two precious little girls and that the Lord blessed them with each other.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pray for us........

I have decided that I am going to start the whole room change thing a little at a time, so tonight I put the pack and play in Savannah's room and let Rebecca sleep in there tonight to see how it goes. So far so good, now they did stay up for almost 3 hours talking and laughing but it was quite cute I didn't have the heart to go in and tell them to be quiet. Right after I shut the door from putting them to bed I heard Savannah say "Becky, isn't this fun, we are sharing a room Becky aren't you happy?" It was soo sweet it tuoched my heart. We only had one situation, when we heard Savannah start to cry we ran up there and we ask her what was wrong she says "Becca bit my finger" and we asked Savannah how that happened since she isn't allowed out of the bed, and Savannah says "Beacause I put my finger in her mouth" so we asked Rebecca if she bit Savannah and for those of you who know Rebecca she gave us her typical answer, her very serious head nod. So far I think they are finally asleep, but Frankie says he thinks the girls are just excited about sharing a room, I hope soo because listening to them talk and scream with laughter was soo cute I could hardly stand it.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

On Tuesday afternoon, I had my first Dr.'s appointment and I had told Savannah that she could come with Frankie and I since there was going to be an ultrasound.(she talked about this for about a week.) Rebecca stayed with Gigi and aunt Rachel since she probably wouldn't have really understood what was going on. So we went in to have the ultrasound and in the room were two ultrasound screens one for me and the nurse to look at and then another on on the other side of the room on a desk, so Frankie takes Savannah over to the desk and shows her everything about the baby (ya know the head, the body, the beating heart ect.) it was soo sweet I started to tear up. So we finish up there and go get Rebecca and watch a little bit of my brothers baseball game and then we went to grab some dinner to wait out the rush hour traffic we start talking to Savannah and asking her what she did that day and she looks at us and folds her arms and says "So where WAS the baby, I didn't see it" So after the whole build up of getting to see the baby she had no clue what even happened.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Poor Savannah

My sweet little Savannah has been quite excited to know that a new baby is coming but bless her haert I probably should have waited to tell her until the due date was a little closer because every morning she comes up to me and says is the baby coming out today? and then I told her we were going to the dr. next week to see a picture of the baby and make sure everything is going well with the new baby and Savannah asked if we were bringing her home then? Bless her heart she can't wait for the baby. Did ya'll notice that I already refer to the baby as a her.

Children are innocent.......

If you think children are mostly innocent you have not met my girls, now don't get me wrong I think my girls are wonderful but they are far from innocent, for example...
The other day I took the girls to the Mcdonald's play area since it was kind of yucky outside and they needed to get some energy out (the house was also very clean and I selfishly wanted it to stay that way so that Frankie can see that I do actually get stuff done during the day). Well, I took the girls shoes off but told them that they could not take their socks off, soo off they run to play. Since Rebecca is still pretty little she wasn't climbing all up inside of those tubes, Rebecca was playing on the baby play areaand I could see her from the table that I sat at sipping my wonderful diet coke, maybe 20 minutes later I see Rebecca go around the little corner to play with the puzzle peices on the wall so I wasn't concerned or so I thought she was playing with the puzzle peices, 20 seconds later she comes out from around the corner and runs up to me and hands me her socks, then barries her head in my lap dying laughing almost like she was saying I pulled a fast one on you mommy. I couldn't help but laugh at her, then I did get on to her, but then from somewhere in the air I hear a little voice saying "well, I kept my socks on Mommy". Savannah is defenitly learning to obey and she is doing very well, but we often call her our little pharissee because if Rebecca ever disobeys Savannah is the first to announce that she did not do whatever Rebecca did. We are working on all this but I must not be very good at it.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Savannah and her guilty conscience

I think I need to monitor what Savannah watches on T.V. a little more closely. Tonight while I was fixing dinner she came in the kitchen and said " mom, I feel very guilty" and I said "well honey why do you feel guilty?" and Savannah very somberly says "I feel guilty for dancing."
I think maybe we have been watching Foot Loose too often.

JOEY DOESN'T SHARE FOOD!!!!!!!!! I mean Laura doesn't share food

For those of you who are like me and loved FRIENDS and have mourned when it went off the air you might remember the episode where Joey takes a girl out for a date and she keeps trying to eat his french fries (since she got a garden saled) and it drives him so crazy that the next time he takes her out he orders an extra order of french fries while he gets the sea food platter well of course Joey's date wants to try his stuffed clams and won't get his hint of continueing to move his plate away from her and in the end he yells out Joey Doesn't Share Food!!!! Well, I have descovered that I do not share food very either, especially while I am pregnant even with my sweet wonderful children. I discovered my unwillingness to share food this past Thursday when the girls and I were out running errands and I realized that it was well past lunch time so I ran through chik-fa-la drive through to get them something to eat in the car and I would just get something at home but when I saw the order board the milk shakes caught my eye and I had to have one so I ordered a choc. milk shake and the second the word came out of my mouth Savannah pipes and says she wants some, I very selfishly explain to her that it is really for the new baby, so Savannah seems okay with that answer until I take my first sip of the milk shake and almost run off the road and get in a wreck because Savannah screams "Stop!!!!!" And I say "Honey what is it what wrong" thinking I have run over a small child, and Savannah says "mommy that milk shake is for the new baby you can't drink that it isn't for you." So I had to explain that since the baby live in me it gets the things it wants from the food I eat.
So with that story I have realized I don't share food well at all. My poor children. They have such a selfish mommy. I am soo sorry.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

We are still alive

Hello everyone, I am soo sorry I have been soo bad about this blog thing, things got kind of crazy back in September, I started babysitting for a family that used to go to our church and I must say trying to babysit with my own 2 children plus there kids was a little harder than I thought it would have been considering that I babysat all growing up and I really enjoyed it but throwing your own kids into the mix was some what difficult since they couldn't stay on their schedules, it made for very tired little girls and a VERY tired mommy. When that ended in December Frankie started a new job where he is traveling some, so I have had to get used to that since Frankie has never really traveled, but I must say when Frankie is away I get into a lot of projects like cleaning out closets and stuff, so it can be a good thing for me and I think Frankie likes to travel some and meet with some of hi clients so it is a good thing for him too. Then about a week ago we found out that we will be adding another little one to the Smith bunch in late November so we are excited and a little nervous about having three little ones soo close in age but I am excited that they are close in age so that they can be best friends. So if I may be soo bold as to ask ya'll to pray that this baby will be healthy, I think with each pregnancy I get more anxious about having a healthy baby. When I was pregnant with Savannah it never accured to me that she wouldn't be healthy and fine, and thin with Rebecca I was a little concerned but I think the older I get and the more information I hear I get a little me scared so please pray that the Lord will calm my spirit. Thanks