Saturday, September 22, 2007

Hey Everyone, sorry it has been a while since I last added a post, life has been a little crazy. If ya'll know me at all I am truelly terified of potty training I have been searching the internet for a camp that I can send my girls to that way my girls can leave in diapers and come back in big girl panties but I have found no such luck:( well, a very wonderful thing happened monday morning, we woke up and I asked Savannah if she wanted to go to the bathroom (which she usually very confidently looks at me and says "no thank you I have on a diaper, but thank you for asking" and then runs off and plays) and she said yes so we went and sat on the potty and within 2 seconds she went!!!!! yeah!!!!!!! So I asked her if she wanted to wear big girl panties and she said "yes mommy, thank you for asking" so I ran to get her big girl panties that I had been saving since she turned 2. So far it is Saturday night and we have not had an accident yet, other than when I put pull ups on her at night, we even went to a birthday party today and she did great. Just pray for us tomorrow as we go to church and she goes to "sunday school" pray she doesn't get distracted with all her friends there. I am soo proud of my little Savannah she is no longer a baby I actually have a big girl. It makes me kind of sad.


Jenn said...

That is awesome! Emmie, my first girl, was easy. Coleman (the oldest) was hard and she basically learned from me working with him. And you have 2 girls - so I bet the next one will pick it up easily as well. Now I have to try working on our next little boy Calvin... wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Good for her! I can't believe the girls are big enough for potty training already - it makes me a little sad, too! Julie has been dutifully sitting on the potty for hours on end, but hasn't actually gone in it yet. I'm trying to refer to her pull-up as "magic panties" so she doesn't think of it like a diaper. I don't think that's working... :)

Lainey Bug and John Stanley III said...

That's amazing! She's doing great! Maybe you should start that 'potty training camp', Laura ;)

Anonymous said...

Laura, that is wonderful. I am still waiting to potty train Emily. She sits on the potty, but does do anything. I guess that we will wait until after the baby comes to really start.
Give Savannah a "high five" for me.


Lisa said...

Abigail did great as long as she wasn't wearing a pull-up. She knew if she had one on she didn't have to go to the potty! Once she was able to make it in panties at church we were home free!