Saturday, April 12, 2008

Poor Savannah

My sweet little Savannah has been quite excited to know that a new baby is coming but bless her haert I probably should have waited to tell her until the due date was a little closer because every morning she comes up to me and says is the baby coming out today? and then I told her we were going to the dr. next week to see a picture of the baby and make sure everything is going well with the new baby and Savannah asked if we were bringing her home then? Bless her heart she can't wait for the baby. Did ya'll notice that I already refer to the baby as a her.


Melissa said...

Mason is mildly interested, but hasn't asked when the baby will arrive. Can't wait to see ultrasound pictures!

Design A-Peele said...

Oh poor thing. I remember how it felt to wait for the baby to arrive. So sweet.

Dani said...

Maybe you could do a countown calendar so that she can see how much longer... Like when you put Rebecca in with savannah put a paper chain in the baby's room.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Savannah is having another little sibling! After all, she was just born yesterday, right? :)

Let me know if I can take the load off a little - Julie loves playing with Savannah and Rebecca. You guys are welcome any time!!

Melissa said...

Hey Laura!

I don't know if you remember me, I was Beth's roommate for a little while in college. I wanted to let you know I found your blog through Beth's and have loved reading abotu your sweet family. I am due around the same time as you so I hope you continue to blog about your new addition!