Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pray for us........

I have decided that I am going to start the whole room change thing a little at a time, so tonight I put the pack and play in Savannah's room and let Rebecca sleep in there tonight to see how it goes. So far so good, now they did stay up for almost 3 hours talking and laughing but it was quite cute I didn't have the heart to go in and tell them to be quiet. Right after I shut the door from putting them to bed I heard Savannah say "Becky, isn't this fun, we are sharing a room Becky aren't you happy?" It was soo sweet it tuoched my heart. We only had one situation, when we heard Savannah start to cry we ran up there and we ask her what was wrong she says "Becca bit my finger" and we asked Savannah how that happened since she isn't allowed out of the bed, and Savannah says "Beacause I put my finger in her mouth" so we asked Rebecca if she bit Savannah and for those of you who know Rebecca she gave us her typical answer, her very serious head nod. So far I think they are finally asleep, but Frankie says he thinks the girls are just excited about sharing a room, I hope soo because listening to them talk and scream with laughter was soo cute I could hardly stand it.


Dani said...

SOOOO cute!! I wish I could have heard it!

Melissa said...

I'm surprised you didn't leave Frankie on his own and join in - it does sound like fun! Glad you're doing this now - you can give me some pointers in the coming months!

Design A-Peele said...

Oh my gosh! That is sooo sweet! I'm with Dani, I wish I could have heard it. What cute girls!!

Design A-Peele said...

By the way, did that little finger biting remind you of a certain situation? I told you to bite my finger then i younger kids sure try to blame everyone else:) I love how Rebecca just nodded her little head so seriously. At least she's honest!